Extremal hypersurfaces

André NEVES - Gromov’s Weyl Law and Denseness of minimal hypersurfaces

Jacek Jezierski - Geometry of null hypersurfaces

Hamid Ahmadinezhad, Birational geometry of Fano 3-fold hypersurfaces of higher index

Minimal hypersurfaces in manifolds of finite volume - Yevgeny Liokumovich

Lagrangian Intersections in Phase Tropical Hypersurfaces

Janet Page: Extremal singularities in positive characteristic

Karen E. Smith 'Extremal Singularities' (Colloquium 3)

Daniel Huybrechts – Geometry of K3 surfaces and hyperkähler manifolds

Talk by Prof. Karen E. Smith in TMC Distinguished Lecture Series

A mountain pass theorem for minimal hypersurfaces with fixed boundary - Rafael Montezuma

Raymond Cheng (July 16, 2021): q-bic Hypersurfaces

F. Maggi - A quantitative description of almost constant mean curvature hypersurfaces

MCA-2021 Lines on Extremal Surfaces Karen Smith

N. Wickramasereka - Stability in minimal and CMC hypersurfaces

Karen Smith (Oct. 9, 2020): Extremal Singularities in Prime Characteristic

Mark Shoemaker | Genus-zero Gromov—Witten Theory under extremal transitions

Tensor Calculus Lecture 14c: Non-hypersurfaces - Relationship Among The Shift Tensors

The Shafarevich Conjecture for Hypersurfaces in Abelian Varieties - Will Sawin

Ethan Addison : Generalizing Poincaré-Type Kähler Metrics

Soohyun Park: 'Anti-Ramsey theory, lattice points, and Hodge structures on toric hypersurfaces'

Min-max harmonic maps and extremal metrics for Laplacian eigenvalues

The Partial Cauchy

Counting rational points of cubic hypersurfaces - Salberger - Workshop 1 - CEB T2 2019

Nick Sheridan - Homological Mirror Symmetry for a Calabi Yau hypersurface in Projective Space